Friday, April 17, 2015

New Fun and Crazy Quilter's Quilt Show, Mukwonago

Danscapes - new fabrics from RJR

 A few weeks ago, a representative from RJR Fabrics contacted me and asked me if I'd like to make some landscapes from their Danscapes fabric line - possibly to be made available as Free Downloads to you all.  I said, "Sure!"  The boxes began arriving... one yard or so of Danscapes I and II collections. How exciting!

 There is much to show you and when I get the details I'll share it all. Suffice it to say, I've made one already but I'm not ready to unveil it yet.

Last weekend, a local guild held their anuual quilt show and I took some pictures of interesting and fun quilts for you, that is mostly what this week's blog is about.

Friday, April 10, 2015

More Quilts from the IQF show in Chicago

"Decisions, Decisions" by Serena Vrnak, quilted by Patricia Harrison
 When you walked into the quilt exhibition you walked under and through a fabulous exhibition of red and white quilts. It was well done and very dramatic - I loved it!

Friday, April 3, 2015

"In Full Bloom" and Flower Quilts at the IQF in Chicago 2015

She's a Wildflower by Joanna Wilczynska. Inspired by a graphic drawn by Gracjana Zielinsak and used with her pemission.
 I began going through the photographs I took at the International Quilt Festival in Chicago last weekend and decided I had WAY WAY too many to show you all in one blog. Since spring has sprung - finally! - in the upper Midwest and this weekend is Easter weekend I felt like showing you flowers and more flowers from the quilt show. 

 Easter is meant to be celebrated and I can't imagine a better visual image of 'celebration' than flowers.  When it is their time to bloom, they do it with all their strength and open up their blossoms in joyful celebration of beauty.