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Friday, June 13, 2014

Just Keep Sewing

I feel like Dory of Finding Nemo. Remember all those strips and scraps from last week? 

I told myself I would use those strips and scraps so guess what I've been doing in my sewing room this week?!

 The first thing I had to do was organize that huge pile into colors. That took me about 4 hours I think! Then I piled the colors into containers and began string piecing.

I chose to string piece 3 inch blocks and arrange them by value.  I have an idea about creating woven ribbons of color and I'm not sure how it will turn out.

I haven't trimmed anything up yet, I'm just sewing them and pinning them up on a fleece board.  I made some darker and some lighter just to keep my options open when I begin to arrange them.

I've been creating landscapes for so long now that I have a nice collection of strings and scraps to work with I think!

The last couple of days I've haven't had as much time so I only managed to get a few of the blue blocks done.  So far, it looks kind of boring to me... but hopefully when I begin to add warm/hot colored ribbons it will be more exciting.

I'm don't think I'll put together one green ribbon, one blue ribbon, one pick ribbon, etc. Rather I think I'll try flowing one color into the next throughout the whole quilt top... this means I'll need to dig out transitional colored strips and work on those too.

That's all for now. (I told you last week that this summer would be rather boring!)

Comments Welcome!

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