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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Crazy Quilters, Mukwonago Wisconsin Quilt Show 2014

I wasn't able to go to Paducah this year after all. I did get to Mukwonago, Wisconsin though for the Crazy Quilter's Biannual quilt show.

I entered one of my small quilts and was happy for the little red ribbon. 

 I thought this bell quilt was pretty cool, I like the way the sky was quilted. 

 And this quilt won bunches of blue ribbons last year, including a First Place in Paducah.  It is Cindy Bartholomew's "God's Greatest Gift to me was Dad".

 I always like seeing other people's landscapes!

 And traditional quilts abound at local quilt shows.

I really liked all the color palette and movement in these two quilts.

Simple floral applique and lovely quilting - it is how I got into this hobby. 

And last but not least, the special theme this year was "Doors". 

 And on this silly note, I'm signing off for the night.  In Wisconsin we love our jeans and our barns as well as a good joke. (And no, I didn't try out the zipper...)

Comments Welcome! 


  1. I still like yours best! I love your colors best, too. Hope your missing Paducah doesn't mean your quilt didn't make it? (I'm new to the process) :)

    1. Hi woodlandbeauty :)

      My Monument Valley at Sunset did make Paducah this year! I'm very happy to be in such great quilting company. A friend took a picture of it hanging there, but it was a very small picture and I'm hoping for a bigger one soon. I'm kind of new to the quilting show circuit too. Apparently the master quilters out there make a beauty and then send it from show to show to show for a couple of years until it returns home to them. I'm still at the stage where I can't keep track of deadlines, forget what quilt is going where and have most of my quilts hanging over a shower rod in the basement. LOL!

      I'm learning though.

      Thank you!
