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Friday, November 20, 2020

Upcoming Problems, er, I mean Challenges

 So here is the promised closeup of the eagle from my Monument Valley quilt a couple of months ago. See, I remembered! 

Now on to the problems and challenges. My website and store was hosted by a wonderful group of people called Quiltropolis. Well, they are retiring. At the end of this month. 
EEEK. If you want any fabric from my store, better get it now. 

I am moving to another server with a completely different web-host and store. All this will take time. I'm pretty sure that for a while my homepage will look the same, but the links won't be working. 

If you don't panic, I won't panic, lol. 

My email is the same in case you want to contact me. 
(It's on my website homepage at the bottom.)

I'm working on another quilt, have been finishing off UFO's and will post again soon, but for now I have to get my business affairs in order. 

Hope I'll be up and running again soon.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Monument Valley - A New Landscape Quilt

Monument Valley - my quilt top

I've been working on a new quilt for the last couple of weeks. It felt sooo good to be back using fabrics and paints to make a landscape. Here's a little bit about how I've been feeling, what I've been doing and why I wanted to make this particular scene.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Medical Masks - It's SOS time.

Completed Mask

 Hey all, this is a short fast tutorial on how I am making medical masks. There are lots of us getting requests so anything you can do to help our health care professionals would be awesome. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Beautiful Things Continues

He Makes Beautiful Things (so far)
As winter drones on and on here I'm increasingly happy about the colors and joyful expression in my quilt. This wouldn't be a good time of year for me to make a gloomy cloudy day landscape that's for sure. You can see from the above pic that I've made some progress creating things for the tree. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

He Makes Beautiful Things - New Quilt (In Progress)

He Makes Beautiful Things out of the Dust - the garden is done

It's been a long time since I've blogged or had time for quilting - it's been a long hard year for me. Last year someone quite close to me was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and I helped her and her family through chemotherapy.  Now it's come back and I'm sad about what lies ahead.

I started this quilt last April or so I think, I hardly remember. You can see a bit about how I put it together and what inspired me by reading on.