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Friday, April 15, 2016

Sun Prairie Quilt Show 2016

Come Walk with Me - Best of Show Wall Quilt, Cathy Geier (me!)

 Hi all. I know it has been a while since I posted anything. How do you spell 'burn out?!'  I took a break from a lot of my online/social media posts and finished up 2 quilts for RJR and wrote up a pattern for each quilt.  They will be creating kits from my quilts - that is the good news! The bad news is that I can't show you the quilts until July.  Soooo, though I've been a busy bee, I have nothing to show for it. (When the quilt kits come out, I'll  write up some pages here with some of my in progress photos in case you buy a kit and need a little extra help).

In the meantime, here are some of my favorite quilts from the Heritage Quilt Show in Sun Prairie last month.