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Friday, December 11, 2015

Irises and Sonoma County - Two Quilts to Show You

Irises at Dawn by Cathy Geier
 I finished a sample project for my Strip Pieced Landscape quilt class. Well sort of finished, I haven't quilted it yet. The last 3 little quilts I made have yet to be quilted actually. I think I'm a bit burnt out on the quilting part of making quilts. Maybe I should take my old machine in for a tuneup and enjoy the time off? 

And get busy baking Christmas cookies and fudge! 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Quilts from Elegance in Stitches

Springtime Duet

 I've been saving this batch of quilts for a special blog and today is the DAY. These quilts are part of a special exhibition called Elegance in Stitches by Joanie Zeier Poole. If it comes to your part of the world be sure to see it!